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What is New in CodeIgniter 4?

By divine_admin_infosys

What is New in CodeIgniter 4?

CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework – a toolkit – for folks who build internet sites using PHP. Its purpose is to permit you to expand projects much quicker than you may if you had been writing code from scratch, via presenting a rich set of libraries for typically wanted tasks, as well as an easy interface and logical shape to access these libraries. CodeIgniter helps you to creatively focus on your project by way of minimizing the quantity of code wished for a given task.

Where possible, CodeIgniter has been saved as flexible as possible, allowing you to work in the way you want, no longer being compelled into running any certain manner. The framework may have core parts easily prolonged or completely changed to make system work the way you want it to. In short, CodeIgniter is the malleable framework that attempts to offer the tools you want even as staying out of the way.

Key Features of CodeIgniter:

  • CI is an MVC framework with a small footprint.
  • You want extraordinary performance.
  • It require a framework that nearly requires zero configurations.
  • User need a framework that doesn’t require you to use the command line.
  • You need a framework that doesn’t require you to stick to restrictive coding rules.
  • User aren’t interested by large-scale monolithic libraries like PEAR.
  • You do not need to be compelled to study a templating language (although a template parser is alternatively accessible if you desire one).
  • It eschew complexity, preferring straightforward solutions.
  • User want clear, exhaustive documentation.

Features of CodeIgniter 4:

  1. The previous variations of Codeigniter are primarily based on PHP 5.6 or lower but the Codeigniter 4 could be featured with PHP 7.2 capability and compatibility.
  2. It required the *intl* extension of PHP established on the server.
  3. If we would really like to apply CURLRequest, we will need lib curl installed.
  4. Supported databases are:
    1. MySQL (5.1+) through the MySQLi driver
    2. PostgreSQL through the Postgre driver
    3. SqLite3 through the SQLite3 driver
  5. CodeIgniter 4 also can be used with command-line programs. As in line with the ultra-modern trend, maximum of the frameworks provide CLI usability and library. Since Codeigniter 4 the framework will also be imparting CLI interfaces for distinct purposes.
  6. The following PHP extensions ought to be enabled to your server:
    1. Php-json
    2. Php-mbstring
    3. Php-mysqlnd
    4. Php-xml
  7. If you want to apply CURLRequest in your Codeigniter application, you will need to install libcurl.
  8. The framework currently support for a public folder, meant as the document root on your application.
  9. Hooks in Codeigniter are a superb characteristic in is kept and upgrade as well.

How to install Codeigniter 4?

You can install Codeigniter 4 using following methods:-

  • In Manual Installation, you want to download the modern release from legitimate site and can put it in your www index of wamp or in your htdocs index of xampp after extracting it.
  • If you need to use the composer tool you want to install the composer first and then you may deploy the use of command line. Composer will also assist you to feature third-party plugins in your project within the future. You can download and install the composer from this given link: https://getcomposer.org/
  • You can likewise clone the git repository of CodeIgniter.

Directory Structure of Codeigniter 4:

Newly set up software has six directories:

  1. app
  2. system
  3. public
  4. writable
  5. tests
  6. Docs

Application Structure

  1. The framework nonetheless has app and system folders, with the identical explanation as before
  2. The framework currently offers for a public folder, supposed as the document root to your app
  3. There is additionally a writable folder, to hold cache data, logs, and session data
  4. The application folder appears very much like that for CI3, with some call changes, and some sub-folders moved to the writable folder
  5. There is now not a nested application/core folder

The application index for example, app is the source code of your application. All the stuff completed by you will stay here. The default structure of the app index is as:

Structure of /app Folder:-

  • /Config : Stores the configuration files
  • /Controller : Controllers decides the program flow
  • /Database : Stores the database migrations and seeds files
  • /Filters : Stores filter classes that may run earlier than and after a controller
  • /Helpers : Helpers keep collections of independent functions
  • /Language: Multiple language guides reads the language strings from here.
  • /Libraries : Useful classes that don’t suit in some another classification
  • /Models: Models the database and business logic.
  • /ThirdParty : ThirdParty libraries that can be utilized in application
  • /Views: Views make up the HTML that is exhibited to the client.


A view of the present state of development of CI4 makes at a first look at more than fantastic impression. Since this version of the framework already calls for PHP 7 as a base necessity, it’s mile on the reducing fringe of technology.

In any case, as of now, many internet companies and shared website hosting companies still are not assisting the most recent PHP versions, and consequently a lot of them aren’t able to offer PHP in version 7.

In my experience, CodeIgniter4 has a decent opportunity to set up itself adequately, because now also almost all ailments of the previous versions are solved, and the software program was absolutely written from scratch.

Since the framework is still in the development stage, it should no longer be used in production environments!

Shivaansh Technologies