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The Benefits of Converting Your Website to an App

By shivaansh_admin

It’s no secret that our society is becoming increasingly reliant on mobile devices. But having a mobile-optimized website alone is no longer enough to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, particularly when targeting mobile users. A mobile website is just the bare minimum.

To keep pace with consumer expectations and gain an edge over your competition, converting your website into an app is critical.

The numbers speak for themselves. 88% of mobile device time is spent using apps. 70% of all digital media consumption comes from apps, and mobile apps are expected to generate over $935 billion this year alone.

Converting a website into an app opens up countless opportunities for businesses across every industry. From improving user engagement and customer loyalty to accessing new revenue streams and expanding market reach, these benefits are hard to overlook for anyone with a website.

Fortunately, developing an app has never been easier. With the help of an app builder or website to app converter, you can turn your website into your own app quickly—without breaking the bank.

If you’re still on the fence, the information in this guide might be enough to change your mind. We’ll dive deep into all the benefits and advantages of going from a website to a mobile app that will take your business to new heights.

Enhancing the Mobile User Experience

A whopping 85% of consumers say they prefer mobile apps over mobile websites. So when you convert your website to an app, you’re instantly improving the user experience.

How is this possible? Let’s take a look at some key UX-related advantages of a mobile app compared to a website.

  • User Interface and Interaction — Apps are designed with mobile users in mind, offering interfaces and interactions that are optimized for small screens and touch controls. This results in significant improvements in user interface (UI) design, including simplified menus, larger buttons, and intuitive gestures that enhance the overall user experience. Apps have a clear edge over mobile websites that often require pinching, zooming, and scrolling to view content.
  • Speed and Performance — One of the most noticeable differences users experience when switching from a website to an app is speed. Apps store data locally on the device, allowing for quicker load times and smoother transitions between features and content. This immediate access is crucial for retaining users, as loading delays can lead to frustration and abandonment.
  • Navigation and Accessibility — Apps also offer superior navigation compared to mobile websites. With the ability to implement custom navigation solutions, such as bottom navigation bars or swipe able tabs, apps make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. This encourages deeper exploration of what the app has to offer.
  • Engagement and Satisfaction — The tailored UX that apps provide leads to higher engagement levels and customer satisfaction. Features like push notifications can be used to keep users informed and engaged, offering timely updates and personalized content that draws them back into the app. This direct line of communication is something that websites struggle to match, making apps a powerful tool for fostering long-term relationships with users.


Shivaansh Technologies