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How to create Lead just in 10 step based ads in Facebook

By divine_admin_infosys

This article will guide how to create and generate leads through Facebook Lead Ads

What is Facebook Lead Ads?

Facebook Lead Ads is a tool specifically designed to collect leads, allowing you to collect information from prospects both from mobile and desktop ads.

1.74 billion it’s the exact numbers of the mobile monthly active user. You have this huge number of potential customers, but are you really able to fully monetize it?

Although the majority of FB users got access to the social network through the mobile device, the conversion rate of the ads was much higher on the desktop. Only 34% of user conversion was operated by a mobile device. Even though the mobile is the most used channel, was not yet profitable as the desktop.

That could be a problem! How Facebook solved it?

Facebook Lead Ads is the answer. The feature was initially born with the aim to maximize the online conversion of the ads campaigns on Facebook from the mobile device.

What was the problem before on this platform?

Previously, the conversion of the lead consisted of different steps, which at some point redirected the user from social media environment to the landing page, where he had to interact with an additional call to action, in order to provide his personal details. This often resulted in an unsuccessful conversion, due to the fact, that users are not willing to exchange the safe social media platform for the untrusted external environment.

With Lead Ads, all this conversation trouble disappears. When the user clicks on target ads, a pop-up window appears inside the social itself with already pre-filled user data. In the majority of the cases, the user needs just to confirm its data and gets automatically acquired as new lead! Easy

What can we do with this new Facebook feature?

The main objective would be to create a large portfolio of users that are interested in our business. The final goal would be to get a list of a potential client interested in our product.

Why the lead generation is so important for your brand?

Here are the 4 core reasons for a business to choose Lead Ads as your advertising platform:

  1. It’s cheaper than the traditional types of ads: There’s no doubt that by using Lead Ads you can definitely save money from your advertising budget. Based on our experience we can confirm that using Facebook Lead ads reduces the costs per lead to less than half of the usual spend.
  2. It creates brand awareness: Facebook, currently the biggest social media platform is the right place to start to build your brand awareness, as makes the whole process of creating your audience and converting it into a lead, as easiest as it can be.
  3. It saves time: When Facebook presented Lead Ads, they announced it as tap tap has done feature, and it literally is like that. It saves user’s time but also yours, as to make it fast and easy for you, lead creator to prepare and manage your leads.
  4. It is a fully customizable tool: In fact, it is possible to customize the form with different fields like size people business, a field of study, etc…when creating an ads campaign.

Not convinced yet? Still not sure if Facebook Lead Ads is the right fit for you and your business?

I personally think that nowadays there are really few areas of businesses that can stay out of Facebook influence. Due to more than 1.74 billion mobile monthly ACTIVE users worldwide, Facebook is too big to be ignored.

Facebook Lead Ads, is an exceptional way to promote your products or services, and at the same time, as mentioned previously in this article, also boosting brand awareness.

Wondering how to create a Facebook lead Ads campaign?

In order to start your Lead Ads journey, you need to access our Power editor.

Step 1: Once opened, it is possible to create a new campaign and select “Lead Generation” as your goal

Step 2: write down the campaign name and click on the “continue” button.


Step 3: At this point, the “Custom Audience” creation may start. For example, you can run a “retargeting campaign” to reach all the people that have already visited your website.

In order to do so, you need to select Website traffic.

Step 4: At this stage, you have the choice to include in your selection all the pages of your website or use an only specific page in case you are running a campaign just for a service or product presented in the specific article of your website. In this way, you will target just the audience that has been interested in that particular post.

Step 5: Gentle reminder: In order to choose your website custom audience, you need to have the Facebook Pixel running on your website. If you are not running it currently, you can quickly check this guide and have it up running just in few steps.

Now, that we have our audience ready, we can move to another important step: fixing the budget.

You can choose if to set the daily budget of the campaign or overall one for the all campaign duration. Decide how much you want to spend and adjust it according to the results.

You can start slow and then increase the daily budget if everything works fine. Just keep in mind to change your spending gradually. Don’t go from 10$ to 100$ as it might mess up the Facebook algorithm what will result in an ad performance decrease.

Step 6: When you’re done with the ad creation, click on the “Create lead form button”.

Step 7:Choose a name for your form and set up a Welcome Screen (this tool replaced the “old” Lead Ads context card). This is the message that users will display by clicking on your ad.

Above you can see an example of how you might want to fill the Welcome Screen.

Keep in mind that is recommended to use a long text with the goal of getting high-quality leads, but that might lower conversion rates. Therefore, once again, A/B testing is the key to Facebook advertising success.

You can try different Welcome Screen messages as well as alternative images.

After you are finished, you can move to the next step of the form’s settings, which includes the data that you are going to ask from your potential leads.

Step 8: Select from the choice given by Facebook or add your own customized question with a limited amount of characters.

Then, select the privacy policy’s link.

This is mandatory, people will display the link you insert in this section with Facebook’s default privacy disclaimer.

Step 9: Finally, fill the “Thank You Screen” section with the link that people will display after they sign-up.

For example, you can link to a website page and give further information or instructions to your leads.

Step 10: You’ve just completed the last step and so it’s time to review everything and submit it to finally run the campaign.

And where are your leads going to end up?

The lead that you are going to collect through your created campaign will be stored on a CSV file that you can download and upload on your CRM/autoresponder.

Congratulations! You’ve just created your first Facebook Lead Ad! And what now?
Test, test as much as you can! Lead Ads is a strong opportunity to generate value lead for your business.

Do you have still doubts? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment on the section below with your thought or concerns, we are here to help!


Shivaansh Technologies