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Best Laravel CRM Package

By divine_admin_infosys

Laravel in the modern era is the most popular PHP framework in the developer ecosystem due to its simplicity, clarity and flexibility that make projects more secure and scalable.

CRMs play a very important role in day to day businesses of every size. In the laravel ecosystem, there are many laravel CRMs to be made use of. Here we are going to discuss the most commonly used open-source laravel CRM packages:


Krayin helps to manage your business more effectively. This CRM is powerful software that connects all the data from sales leads and customers in one place.

Github Repo:- https://github.com/krayin/laravel-crm

It offers functionality like Lead Management, Activities Management, ACL system and Contact Management, Custom Fields and much more.

Krayin is very flexible and easy to use even for non-tech savvies and as It is open source project customization can be done very easily even at the core level too.

KrayinCRM offers Kanban view displays so that leads can be organized based on their stages to give an idea of their progress and how much revenue is expected to be generated.

Shivaansh Technologies