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Best Coding Prompts For Chat GPT

By divine_admin_infosys

Generate code:

  1. Create a [language] script to parse [file format] and extract [information] with the following requirements: [requirements list].
  2. Develop a [language] microservice for [domain] that includes endpoints for [operations list] and adheres to [design pattern].
  3. Write a [language] function to filter [data structure] based on [condition] with the following inputs: [input variables] and expected output: [output description].
  4. Design a [language] algorithm to solve [problem] using [strategy or technique].Implement a [language] function that handles [task] asynchronously with the following inputs: [input variables] and expected output: [output description].

Code completion:

  1. Complete the [language] code to parse [file format] and extract [information]: [code snippet].
  2. Finish the [language] implementation of [design pattern] for [use case]: [code snippet].
  3. Fill in the missing [language] code to implement a caching mechanism for the following function: [code snippet].
  4. Complete the [language] code to convert [data structure] into [output format]: [code snippet].
  5. Finish the [language] implementation of a multithreading solution for [problem]: [code snippet].

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Shivaansh Technologies